Why learn coding with us?

How we can help you learn to code? Welcome to the latest issue from TalkIT. We will pass on some positive feedback we received from clients that have tried our elearning courses.


Why learn coding with TalkIT?

What people have said …

Can You Solve This Coding Problem?

Other Bits

 Why learn coding with TalkIT?

 In a recent TalkIT survey, we discovered that 50% of our visitors want to learn coding to start a career as a developer.programmer

Other reasons include learning a new skill and advancing in their current careers by getting promotions. Furthermore some people want to do an online course in coding to help them pass exams, for example get Microsoft Certifications.  Others simply enjoy computing and programming as a hobby. 

So what can we offer you? Whatever reason you have to learn coding, TalkIT can help you in every step.  We provide both introductory and advanced tutorials in the industry’s most popular languages.

The courses on our website come from a trustworthy source since they are created by experts in the computing industry with over 25 years of experience, including Microsoft Certified Solution Developers (MCSDs). That is how we make sure that you can get in-depth learning. Moreover, the tutorials are easy to use and simple to navigate. They take you step-by-step on your learning journey.What language?

If however you get lost on the way, you can get in contact with us.  We provide get online support while you study. TalkIT courses can be used preparation for professional exams but you can also get our certifications upon completion. This will look great on your CV. To make you learning experience more interesting, our courses include interactive videos and downloadable applications.

Whether you want to start your career as a developer or learn a new skill, we are here for you in every step. This year we introduced three new games in Java, Python and C++ that provide an alternative and fun way of learning. Whatever your coding needs, we are here to help! Below you can see some positive feedback we received from people who  have used our courses.Compensation

Every year Stack Overflow runs a developer survey. This chart show how much you can earn in as a developer in 2015 in the USA.


 What people have said …

Here are some comments from our clients on our e-learning courses.

The C# Course

“I registered in the TalkIT website to get interactive courses as well as walk through projects in C# and specifically those with more complex applications. I think the website is well-designed and easy to use and, the developer tutorials provide what I am looking for and they are at the right level. I purchased the developer course from TalkIT because I trust the sources but also it is reasonably priced. By doing this course I aim to improve my coding skills. ”

Mike Dawson- G-M Tube Technician from the USA

The Java Game tutorial

“The Java game tutorial is a very ambitious piece of work. I enjoyed learning Java through a game because it is definitely a fun and worthwhile way. It is also very different than traditional courses to learn a language. Navigating through the exercises is very easy and clear and videos are fun and easy to follow. Overall a great experience to learn a new skill.”Asian with Laptop

Ayomide Msomi- IT Trainer from the India

The Getting Started with Python Course

“ I registered for the Java Tutorial in order to enhance my employability by learning an industry popular language.  I aim to have a career in IT therefore being more employable and competitive is my goal. This course provides a good introduction to the Java language and I enjoyed going through the tutorials. Moreover I got to learn in a step-by-step way so it was relatively easy to use. I found that having video and downloadable solutions really helped in my learning.”Girl at computer

Emily Lewis- Elementary IT Teacher from the UK

Can You Solve This Coding Problem?

An important skill for programmers to have is to understand how code works without compiling it. Just predict the output of these loops without executing the code. If you need some help, check our C# course.  Write your answer in the comments below. Or add your own puzzle.puzzles

      int j = 0;
      j = 13;
      for (; j > 10; j--)

Other Bits

TalkIT has just published a graphics tutorial for our C++ course. The tutorial will create an app that displays a 3D rabbit. This requires some sophisticated graphics. Take a quick look at the video:Bunny2


 This month the TalkIT website has been improved. This will make it easier to find and work through our elearning courses.

TalkIT has been very active on social media recently. We have been posting on coding, new gadgets and IT humour. Why don’t you connect with us on Twitter or FaceBook? You can follow all the latest news and let us know what you think. Here are some recent tweets.

SQL Server Admin course Bath 3 day 27/6/16 BOOK NOW for discount http://ow.ly/uwze300DXN6 

Look! It’s a hobbyte!

Check out what our clients have said about our e-learning courses! Learn coding today! http://ow.ly/6Thd301dSYQ 

Data drives the world. SQL Server Courses & Blogs Develop & Admin. SQL train SQLServer  http://ow.ly/yz7d3017slF 

Do you want to be a programmer? Learn more about what you can do for a living! http://ow.ly/p76v30153xH  code tutorials http://ow.ly/4mR1JR 

Keep learning programming with our help! 100+ Tutorials, 200+ Videos, 300+ Labs http://ow.ly/aHDU300XvGl 

Learn more about SQL Server Reporting Services by reading our blog.

Learn C++ by creating a Mesh Model Viewer. Free step-by-step tutorials! http://ow.ly/aWv2300XuuZ 


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Eleni Andronicou

TalkIT 2016 ©



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