Online IT Learning Specification

What Is It
This web based tool will provide state-of-the-art technical training. Initially courses will be offered in Microsoft .Net and SQL Server, but this can later be extended to other IT & non-IT subjects. The first step is to research the competition by looking similar tools, such as at existing IT e-learning websites. The tool will be available on the Talk-IT website as an enhancement to the existing IT tutorials on this site. . This is a draft specification for the tool. Any comments appreciated. Please use the Contact Us page to send these to me.

Learning Structure
The tool will initially test a users ability in the course they want to complete. It will also require that the user meets the prerequisites for training.  A selection of online courses will be available, say of 15 hours duration.  Each course will consist of 8 to 16 chapters. At the end of each chapter there will be practical exercises. The exercises will consist of a set of steps the for the user to complete on relevant software.  A user can stop and save, then resume a course. Courses will be available at novice, intermediate & advanced levels.

The course will contain video clips, cropped screenshots, demonstrations of using software, voiceovers, games, multiple-choice questions.

Assessing the Learner
The course will allow the visitor to work on software to complete exercises. This will consist of using the software’s menus, toolbars, dialog boxes, etc. It will also allow users to write code in the relevant programming language.

The tool will have a diagnostic feature that allows users to assess their progress, say at the end of each course chapter. The user can also be assessed at the start and end of the course.

The tool will use adaptive learning techniques. If the user has a visual preference, then videos and animations will be employed during the course. If the user has a auditory preference, then voice and music will be used. If the user has a kinaesthetic preference, then exercises and games will be emphasised.

Short versions of courses will be available for free evaluation. Complete courses will require the user to register and pay by bank card. If a user wants to repeat a course the price will be discounted. The course could be linked to recognised exams, say Microsoft MCPD and MCIT exams.

David Ringsell October 2015

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