TalkIT Seeks Trade Partners

We are Looking for DistributorsTalkIT world

English language e-learning software company based in Britain seeks commercial agency agreement and services distribution agreements with partners around the world. This includes universities, colleges and schools. The company provides online courses for people to learn how to code.

There are six in depth courses in industry standard coding languages. The company is seeking publishers / re-sellers of online courses, to promote and distribute its courses. The company is open to different business models, including revenue-sharing, through a commercial agency agreement.

The development courses available are C#, C++,  ASP.Net,  MVC, Python,  HTML and Java. Other technical courses are being designed. The company can migrate course content to other Learning Management Systems in a variety of ways. This includes linking directly to the TalkIT website or importing content in a standard e-learning format. Available formats: SCORM compliant and Tin Can compliant courses.

Several major training provider are now distributing our courses to their corporate clients. One of these allows employees to access online courses via a voucher scheme.  We are looking for further distributors in other markets.

Advantages and Innovations

The key advantage of these courses is that it allows individuals to improve their career opportunities by learning how to code in the most popular modern languages. The courses are in-depth but easy to follow. They include videos and code solution downloads. See

Why use TalkIT ?

  • Courses in all main industry standard coding languages
  • Build business web applications that manage data
  • Learn the easy way in step-by-step stages Learn to build real world applications feature by feature
  • Courses include videos and application downloads
  • Get online support while you study

Stage of Development

Already on the market.

Please contact us.

David Ringsell 2021

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